Professional Hosting to Support Traffic Spikes: Phenom Elite

Working with Phenom Elite has been great, they work hard as seen by their great products and they have vision.
The first step in the Grover Web Design/Phenom Elite relationship was to offload some of their technical headaches. We took control of their email system, got them on Google Apps. Next, we migrated their website to a more robust hosting environment that could handle their image intensive and high traffic website.
While completing these stages, we learned how much time and effort Phenom Elite was putting into managing their off the rack WordPress theme. We jumped in by migrating the look and feel of their current website over to one of our custom engineered Grover Web Design themes. This helped them optimize for speed and mobile user experience.
Phenom Factory: Online GLOVE BUILDER
Now it's time for the fun to start, Phenom Elite came to us and wanted to chat about building an online tool to allow their dealers and customers to customize gloves right on their website.
We were excited to tackle this project. It's cool and pushes the limits of what people think is possible on the web, especially with WordPress.
In the first month of launching, the Phenom Factory has over 7,000 pageviews. These are all highly motivated customers that are driven to the site and Phenom Elite is able to get them to interact with their site.