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Bright Start – Adding Testimonials – WordPress Tutorial

Adding testimonials to the website is as easy (if not easier!) than a blog post. The easy thing about testimonials are that they are usually just one to two paragraphs and if you have a picture one picture.

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to add testimonials to your Bright Start WordPress website. If you have any questions please email me at: [email protected]

Adding Testimonials:

  1. First, gather all your information for the testimonial. Suggested information is 1 to 2 paragraphs from the client and a picture. Preferably of the client with the SC or EI teacher!
  2. Log-into your WordPress dashboard: Help on the Log-In
  3. On the left hand side WordPress menu bar select "Posts" and then "Add New"
  4. This will bring up a blank post page
  5. Create a descriptive and hopefully keyword rich title, this would be a great place for "Geo-Specific" keywords (Midlands Child Recieves Great Service Coordination, or Aiken County Autistic Child...)
  6. Fill in the content of the testimonial in the content area
  7. IMPORTANT: on the right hand side under "Categories" make sure Testimonials is checked
  8. If you have any add pictures, click on the picture icon in the "Upload/Insert" section (above the content box on the left side)
    Bright Start Tutorial Adding Picture to a WordPress Post
  9. Select "Publish"
  10. Go check your work
  11. Back into the Post editor if you have any problems
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